Avenues The World School (NY) 2
Kingswood Oxford School(CT) 1
King School 1
Tampa Preparatory School 1
Avenues New York
作为纽约市区最受瞩目、最具前瞻性的私校,Avenues 从创立开始就拥有无数光环。Avenues 由 Yale University、Phillips Exeter Academy、Hotchkiss School 的前任校长共同创立管理,除了明星团队,便利的城市资源、强大的校友群体更是让它成为当下申请最热门的纽约私校之一。
Kingswood Oxford School
位于康州,学术水平与 Choate Rosemary Hall 齐名的走读学校,拥有超强的 STEM 项目,被称为未来科学家的预备营。
与 Choate、Hotchkiss、Loomis、Taft 等11所学校共同组成竞技类联盟 FoundersLeague,Kingswood Oxford 是其中唯一的走读学校。
King School
优越的学区、强大的学术让 King School 一直位列一类学术强校,很多家庭为了方便孩子入读 King School 而选择在孩子很小的时候提前搬到学校附近。学校突出的体育竞技能力更是让它在私校中名声在外。
Tampa Preparatory School
如果我们去研究全美游泳队最强的私立学校有哪所,Tampa 一定位列其中。如果我们进一步去调查,游泳最强的同时,学术表现也位列顶级的私立学校有哪所,Tampa 一定依然榜上有名。作为一所游泳学生心中的学术大牛校,Tampa 可以被形容为走读学校中的 Peddie School,学校有近乎苛刻的招生要求,他们历史上第一次招收中国大陆学生,这枚宝贵的 offer 给了融尚南希伙伴的孩子。
J 同学
Avenues The World School (NY) 走读
Kingswood Oxford School (CT) 走读
J is an avid reader, keen observer, and appreciator of the arts. She uses her vibrant imagination and vast knowledge of literature and film to give life to the roles she plays as a theater actor on stage and is often the source of unique ideas for the set and costume designs off stage. J also loves painting, sketching architecture and sculpture and would thrive in an environment where her creativity is valued and encouraged. Outside the classroom, J is an enthusiastic volleyball and tennis player who also doubles as a project manager and fundraiser for community service groups, such as Round Square and Operation Smile. J is someone whom others can depend on and who always gives her best effort no matter the task.
L 同学
Avenues The World School (NY) 走读
LC is an outgoing and mature communicator. The minute anyone starts a conversation with her sees a journey of insightful input and active exchange of ideas. She’s an independent thinker and likes to ask questions. That’s why LC learns from people around her constantly. Apart from being an excellent student academically, LC is extremely active in and out of school – she’s the lead singer and mezzo-soprano in her school’s choir and is a strong rower. LC also participates wholeheartedly in helping the family with patients suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. In any community, LC brings fresh perspectives with her signature enthusiasm. She never stands by. She leads and contributes with a warm heart and determined mind. That’s also why LC stands out from her peers.
M 同学
King School 走读
M is a bright fireball of energy channeled into a love of performing and sports and a drive to always do her best. While a star in her own right, she is also very supportive of and loyal to her older siblings and her friends. She is the winner of the Magnum Opus International Speech and Drama Competition, Winner's Showcase to be held at Carnegie Hall in 2022. Her cello: Grade 5 Royal Conservatory of Music with Distinction. Also, she won the 1st place in the U10 Slalom and U10 Giant Slalom events at the 2021 Chaoyang Invitational against skiers from all over China. She is sharp, funny, and always up to the task, M is a great charismatic leader in any classroom.
Z 同学
Tampa Preparatory School 走读
What impressed the teachers at SNF most of all was Z's determination to attain her dream of studying abroad and fight for the life she wants for herself. Having learned the English alphabet only a little more than a year ago, Z achieved a TOEFL score of over 80 with the kind of focus, discipline, and work ethic that only a national first-class athlete could exhibit. Knowing that the application process required her to have an English conversation with a stranger, Z took every opportunity to speak English to us, even in regular conversation. And despite being naturally shy and introverted, she practiced speaking in front of the camera, recording herself over and over to smile and speak with energy, even though it was embarrassingly scary for her. With every mistake and mishap, Z would always ask for feedback on how she could improve and then pluck up the courage to try again. Her constant demonstration of maturity and strength through challenges and obstacles is admirable, even for adults. The fact that she is only twelve years old makes her even more amazing.